happy thursday thread
Good Morning Jacki and OFF!!!!
Its just getting better and better every day now with my son(s)!!! I am now hearing more and more from my oldest son in emails!! He is really starting to open up to me and its wonderful!!! He asked me about Rick what is he like etc...he told me he has a girlfriend and wants to bring her Christmas to meet the family!! Cool! So now I rush this morning to shop for a gift for her!! Nothing great...just a little something. I really didn't plan on getting any of the family gifts but we decided to get them a little something. So now everyone has a small gift from us to open Christmas. Now pray the weather stays nice for the trip home and back home here.
Well I am trying to find my new shoes I bought for Christmas before we moved and do you think I can find them? NO!! So that is my job for today while I am off. I have a new pair of pants and a dark brown top and gold necklace and earrings. I NEED those shoes!!! LOL
Have a great day and keep warm if its cold where you are at!!! Prayers and thoughts for all....
Rainy here this morning.....watching the Graduate on TV, what great dialogue.
The dance was a concert and it was really wonderful. Huge turnout. I am very glad I dressed down...nice black sweater, my tall black suede boots and winter white capris...I felt lovely. Hubby looked good to.
Now I had PS in 2006, a TT, BR, & hernia repair. My breasts were huge and drooped almost to my waist. No breast tissue really left just sagging skin. After PS, my girls are small, perky, and for me just right. Hubby misses the old girls and wants me to get fitted for one of those push up bras from VS. Oh well guess I will give in. He also wants me to get some new clothes for dress up. I have such a hard time shopping, hate the crowds and all. This will be very difficult for me to do. He doesn't understand. I mentioned going to thrift stores to look and he was not happy. Wish me luck on this front please.
Still having problems sleeping all night. Will get some Tylenol PM.
Best wishes to all, Monica
jacki i didn't drag my lazy butt outta bed til 726 am....this could be habit forming-but won't!
i was so glad to meet you personally in philly and to see how well you do navigate...i would take it easy about the cemetery tho only due to the weather...big uhgs there sweetei!
laureen--my mother's car doors are really touchy and lock when you don't expect them to so it's gamble getting in and out without the keys in hand....your keys will show up hopefully soon- otherwise the party was good/ sounds like.... i chose not to attend our company's party last saturday nite- just not feelin the love-
tomorrw is our open house at work i'm thinking long black skirt with long johns and my black lonh sleeved t and pretty cardinal Christmas sweater- i feel so discombobulated from "the gang" not a warm fuzzy feeling.
we shopped all day yesterday til there was no room in the car for me to buy dog food- when i got home i threatened to send the dogs to live with their father in wisconsin--trash had been strewn all over the living room and even a piece of plastic wrap in my bed.dang, brody knew he was in deep doo doo...tho he was not alone!roxiethewonderdog had a paw i'm sure!this is really getting to be an issue here coming home to various messes- we sold the huge dog crate before we moved or i would put them in it and it's too cold outside with no dog house inside their kennel...my garbage container has a lid on it....
ok- confession time- i am good at doing repetitious tasks however i have no discipline - no routine about housework or anything else- this morning i have spent two hours online procrastinating those things that i really need to get done today----ouch!guess i need to get back to list making?
anyhow-hugs and prayers.....
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Good Morning Everyone! Nostalgic memories here also. One hundred years ago today my dad was born into a family of 6 (which later grew to 12: 6 boys and 6 girls). They were poor Arkansas farm people. However, I'm sure a new baby was always something to bring joy to the family. Jacki, you have had a lot of losses in a short time. Holiday season always brings up those feelings. Be kind to yourself. My mom made weekly visits to my dad and brother's graves. . . I'm not so into that but do go every few months to clean off the monument and to "talk" to them. Somehow I do feel closer there. Weird as I am not very religious. However, since kind of rediscovering my Quaker roots I have been meditating and searching for my "inner light." That I can connect with.
No phone call yet, but there is still time! We have a holiday open house here tomorrow. . . from 3pm to whenever. . . The group is pretty quiet these days; it should be fun. I am making 3 hot appetizers and letting others bring whatever they choose including their alcohol if they choose to drink it.
Laureen, I couldn't help but think about you and parties from long ago. You're looking for your keys, sober, no worry about that part of the trip home! That does make a great story and especially you're being too "lazy" to take the spare back in. Thank goodness! Hopefully your keys will turn up soon.
Monica, Just hearing from you again is a holiday gift to all of us! We have missed you. I do believe in strength in numbers and support from friends even if we are on line friends. I think your renewed health will rub off on John. By spring you two will be off fishing and enjoying life fully again. What am I saying. . . you don't have to wait for spring in Florida do you?
Our snow is finally just about gone. Warm wind and temps in the 40s has allowed it to slowly melt. Hopefully we won't get any more before our open house tomorrow evening!
Carolyn, Just reading about your actions wears me out and I have quite a bit of energy!
Judy, They are in the mail! Didn't get to the post office yesterday, but will first thing this morning. I'm sending two "garments". Hopefully one will work. If not share them with someone else. This girl just refuses anything that binds!
Margo, sending hugs your way. Stay strong! You've made a monumental decision and your daily life sounds much smoother. I know it will take time and sometimes you will be lonely, but heck I'm lonely often here with someone in the same house with me!!
To those to come. I read daily even when I don't post. I think about you all during my day and hope that life is treating you kind. Take care!
Karen C
Came home Tuesday evening just before dark. Went tile, countertop, and carpet shopping with Erin and Briley first. Had a great, exhausting, fill my heart up visit with the kids. Stayed over a day so that I could give my big girl Erin some hugs too! About 4 days is enough. Always worn out, but what lovin. Twins and I went to Mc Donalds and drove around looking at Christmas lights which they are old enough to enjoy at 2.5 years. Lots of oohs and aahs.
Karen C
I am late getting on here. I was on the phone with Carla, then on Skype with Carla, trying to get her set up. She can see me, I can't see her. So she got to see Miss Juliette and my messy apartment all decorated (or partially decorated) and I grabbed Juliette and had her wave her paw at her (she got treats for this performance). Are any of the rest of you on Skype? It's fun to use, but it was a bit difficult for me to install because I had to install DirectX too. I think Carla has the same problem. Hopefully we'll be able to see each other soon. I know it's been great to see my brother and mom on Skype.
I didn't sleep very well at all ... I was feeling rather nauseous last night at work and chilled. Came home, thought maybe what I needed was something to eat (I usually just have a protein drink at work because it's easier to work and drink than try to eat at our cubicles). So I had a Lean Cuisine mac and cheese ... something mild and bland with protein (I added extra cheese). Felt better when I went to bed, but work up with lots of gas and more nausea ... continued today... lots of gas (Sorry, TMI, I know.) Also, lots of reflux. I'm out of my prilosec but can't afford to get any more until tomorrow. Seems like everything I eat or drink, even water, results in reflux. Yuck. Anyway, I wound up getting up around 8:30 and couldn't get back to sleep.
The water is out again here. They have another leak between buildings 1 and 13, so I don't know how long this outage is going to last. Hope I can take a shower today.
Not much else going on. I need to get some lunch and get moving before work tonight. Have a nice day.